Sunday, August 9, 2009

The ZOO!

I know I said that my next post would be from D.C., but before leaving the country for two years, there were some things that I wanted to enjoy, the most important of which was a final visit to my favorite haunt: the Minnesota Zoo. Yes, indeed, the zoo.

Anyone that hasn't been to the zoo since they were little really ought to give it another go round. It's pretty awesome. The grizzlies are pretty awesome. There are three of them, two male and one female. They were each found as orphans in Russia, and moved to Alaska where they were fixed and raised as siblings. The two boys are the ones rough-housing here. They're 500 or 600 pounds right now, and they're only half their adult size! They're pretty awesome. One of them swam back and forth in front of the glass and pressed his paw against the glass, much to the delight of all the spectators.

The whole Russia's Grizzly Coast exhibit is really well done. There were some leopards and tigers and sea otters and wild boars. It was pretty hot yesterday, so most of the animals were resting in the shade. Some of the big cats were pacing, like this one that my sister made friends with.

We didn't get to see the Discovery Bay, but we made our rounds to all the other places. I didn't remember there being a petting zoo there when I was little, but there's a big farm section of the zoo. It's beautiful, too! There are goats and sheep and a huge cloned cow. There were some chickens and horses and piglets. I love farms. I like all the animals and the smells (even the gross smells).

Here's Laura and I posing as chickens.

Alright! I'm leaving tomorrow! This was my last blast for two years, and I enjoyed it thoroughly! Looking forward to posting in Panama!

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