Monday, August 31, 2009

Sorry it´s been a couple weeks since I´ve posted! It´s been eventful, to say the least. I´m going to do a top five real quick, because I don´t have a lot of time left at the internet cafe. I´m going to mix the good in with the bad here, to make sure I´m giving fair representation.

1. Sweating profusely can cause armpit infections.

Who knew? I found this one out the hard way. I got infections under my arms then I had to tell my APCD (Assistant Peace Corps Director) about it so I could go to the doctor. What a lame illness.

2. Mountains = cool weather

Kind of obvious, I know, But I spent this last weekend up in the Comarca in the Chiriqui region with another volunteer, and I actually put on a long sleeve shirt. Especially after the rain, it´s cool and refreshing. Danny, the volunteer I was visiting, lives in a Ngabe community (pronounced NO-bay) and showed me around. It was an amazing experience. We got to help out a community member build an aquaduct, take a long hike to neighboring community and speak with their water committee, and cook on a fogon (a three-rock cooking technique).

We also were witnesses to a very serious medical emergency about an hour and a half from any hospital, which was probably one of the scariest things I´ve been involved in. The young woman that was sick could hardly breathe, and I wasn´t sure she´d make it off the mountain, but we heard later that she did. Thank God.

3. Popes in a Volkswagon

So, the way up to Danny´s site is by chiva, which is basically just a Range Rover. To maximize their time and space, and to make more money, they pack the chivas to the brim. And I mean PACK them. I was in a chiva with 23 other people, and Danny said that he´s been in one with 30. To be fair, I wasn´t in it, so much as riding on top of it. There were 6 men hanging onto the back as well. It was nuts. But it was either ride on the top, or sit in the back with 12 drunk men and listen to them talk about the gringa that´s in the car with them. I chose the roof.

4. Air conditioning and hot showers are gifts from God.

I got to enjoy both last night in the hostel in David, and they truly are the work of the Lord. And I´m not even religious.

5. Machetes are awesome.

I love my machete! I also love getting dirty and mixing cement. It´s great. There´s never any reason for me to look cute, which is sometimes a downer, but there will be plenty of time for that after my 2 years of service, so I´m not too worried. Right now I´m enjoying because a cachimbona (hard working woman--it´s what my homestay family calls me because they can´t pronounce my name).

Alright, that´s all for now. I´ll post pictures next time I´m on. I promise! I hope all is well with everyone at home!

Much love!

1 comment:

  1. haha... you and travelling apparently brings out rashes, or infections under the arms... too bad you didn't have a lush near by!

    - Sarai
